Thursday, February 8, 2018



Multi-Level Marketing is made of two terms. Marketing (which takes place when a product or service is passed from the producer to the receiver) and multi-level (referring to calculating salaries for distributors who are responsible for delivering products and services to customers).
It a strategy that some direct sales companies use to encourage their existing distributors to recruit new distributors by paying the existing distributors a percentage of their recruits' sales; the recruits are known as a distributor's "downline." All distributors also earn income through direct sales of products to customers. (source).

In the MLM business model, the commission derived from the MLM pyramid structure (i.e. from the sales of one's recruits) is the most profitable revenue stream.

MLM salespeople are, therefore, expected to sell products directly to end-user retail consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing, or any other direct contact. Multi-Level Marketing is commonly known as Network Marketing.


2.1 CleanShield: Designed for Success!
Most people can name lot of MLM Companies currently operating in the country. What makes CleanShield unique is it offers you the most flexible conditions ever among all other MLM companies. CleanShield MLM plan offers one of the lowest if not the lowest initial registration payment of only Ghc 45 in Ghana. The only essential you need to succeed with CleanShield is communication skills and hard-work.
Cleshield like some of the other MLM Companies where your merit point are bound by a specific time duration, CleanShield merit point are earn forever. The product and MLM plan is designed to have an opportunity to create for yourself a healthy and wealthy life. As you seize this opportunity, you will discover the power of an amazing health product (CleanShield INT) along with an exciting business to create wealth.

CleanShield Compensation Plan gives you several ways to earn generous commissions every month in direct proportion to your ability to sell the product to your customers and build an organization of Independent Distributors who do the same. 

2.2 Compensation Stages
CleanShield offers compensation plan for different stages as you profess. We have 3 Part  and 9 stages starting from Marshal/Distributor’s Registration to Ample Marshal 3. The part stage or stages.

·         Part 1 Consist of:
                     Marshal Level.
·         Part 2 Consist of: 
                     Lead Marshal 1 to Lead Marshal 5.
·         Part 3 Constant of:
                    Ample Marshal 1 to Ample Marshal 3.

2.3 Compensation Plan
This business/compensation plan is designed to ensure sufficiency, satisfaction, fulfillment and uninterrupted joy in the life of our marshals all over the world by grabbing this wonderful opportunity.

It is a plan designed by an American strategic marketing expect for CleanShield Int (U.S.A), to suit the business of Multi-Level Marketing in Africa.

2.4 Definition of Terms
       PV = Point Value
       Each product has a point value assigned as a part of the MLM program.  This value is utilized in determining commissions and awards.  One bottle of Cleanshield INT has a point value (PV) of 10 points

       PPV = Personal Point Value  
      Each Marshal is required to purchase a minimum monthly purchase of bottles as valued in points (10 points per bottle) and is referred to as the PPV.  This monthly minimum purchase is compulsory and varies with level of Lead Marshal. 
        LM1, LM2, LM3 = 20 PV monthly, LM4 = 30 PV, LM5 = 40 PV, AMPLE = 50 PV

       PPP = Purchase Plus Program
     PPP, or the Purchase Plus Program, refers to all personal purchases of product by Marshal over and above monthly PPV.  (A REBATE of 25% X PV applies for Marshal who makes the PPP order).  Use of Special PPP order form is required.
       GBV = Group Business Value
      This term is used to designate point value (PV) of all purchases (including those in addition to compulsory PPV) that are made directly by Marshal and NOT by down line.  Point value per product remains the same as PV or GPV.

       GPV = Group Point Value (or simply referred to as "PV" or "GV”)

       The term GPV is used to designate point value of all purchases made by down line of the Marshal.  Point value per product remains the same.



CleanShield MLM makes it possible for you. CleanShield MLM provides you the opportunity to own your own business, secure your financial future with a proven marketing plan.

CleanShield provides you 12 Earning Streams for Unlimited income and awards. The 12 income streams are:

  1. Retail Profit: Profit earn on the purchase of your immediate downlines.
  2. Monthly Bonus (and Merit Bonus): direct fixed bonus hitting your account.
  3. South Africa Trip (2 Weeks): A trip to South Africa or Cash Option.
  4. 1st Car Award: Promo car.
  5. Dubai Trip (2 Weeks): A trip to Dubai or Cash Option.
  6. 2nd Car Award: New car award.
  7. Weekly Logistics: weekly logistics fund paid monthly.
  8. 1st Monthly Housing Fund (For 2 years).
  9. 2nd Monthly Housing Fund (For 2 Years).
  10. 3rd Car Award (SUV).
  11. Annual Get Away For Two to America (1 Month).
  12. 4% Annual Global Profit Share.


i. Direct Communication.
Approach the target market with face to face communication about the benefit of the product and the compensation plan associated with the product. You must able to share with the person your personal experience about the health benefit of CleanShield.

ii. Online Marketing.
You can market the school using the social media. “Search online how you can promote a business using Facebook, twitter, etc.’’
You can create a Facebook accounts and a health fun page dedicated for CleanShield education and run advert there with your number on the advert. You can also ran sponsored ads on Facebook. Example: see our Facebook page, and Twitter, and LinkedIn page.

iii. Posters and Stickers
You post stickers and posters at strategic point and places for example in and on cars, near church premises, woman saloons, near market place.

iv. Flyers and Brochure
Flyers and Brochure are also effective after direct communication.

Starting your very own home-based business is easy. Registration as a partner needs to be done to kick start. CleanShield MLM ensures your success every step of the way. If you don't personally know a sponsor, we'll match you up with someone near you to mentor you. There's no membership or expensive investment. Just select the package you prefer. Training materials, successful financial plan and your commissions all will be provided. All you need to provide is your commitment to build your future and dream life.

Learn about the various Marshal stages in our Multi-Level- Marketing (MLM) Plan and the rewards associated with them, please call or WhatApp  +23326-977-3458.

Monday, February 5, 2018



Dr. Otto Warburg the 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery, stated “NO disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.” So, if this is true, I asked MYSELF, am I alkaline or acid? That was my question! I eat healthy foods. So, I bought an alkaline strip test kit, to find out.

I was shocked to find that I was ACID! I started to research  what we needed to do, to create an environment in which diseased cells, viruses, bacteria and fungi are UNABLE to thrive, which brought me the to the word pH level.


Water is the most abundant compound in the human body, comprising 70% of the body. The body therefore contains a wide range of solutions. pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The ratio between positively charged ions (acid forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline forming). The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and rich in oxygen the fluid is. The pH range is from 0-14 with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic.
Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35- 7.45) below or above this range means symptoms and disease. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8 cells stop functioning and the body dies. The body therefore continually strives to balance pH. When this balance is compromised many problems can occur.

An imbalanced diet high in acidic producing foods such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine and processed foods puts pressure on the body’s regulating systems to maintain pH neutrality. The extra buffering required can deplete the body of alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, making the person prone to chronic and degenerative diseases. Minerals are borrowed from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage causing a condition that may go undetected for years

The human body is alkaline by design but acidic by function. Every living cell in the body creates metabolized waste, which is acidic. The nutrients from our food are delivered to each cell, the cells burn with oxygen in order to provide energy for us to live. The burned nutrients become metabolized waste.

All waste products are acid; the body discharges the waste through urine, bile and perspiration. Our body can’t get rid of 100% of the waste it produces which in turn, creates an over load of toxicity. With out proper elimination, the acid waste products become solid wastes, such as micro toxins, toxins, fungus, bacteria and mucus. These accumulate and build up in our blood, organs and tissue. This accumulation of solid waste products accelerates the depletion of minerals and other nutrients, causes disease and accelerates the aging process.

Although our bodies work hard to dispose of acidic waste, eating acidic foods makes it harder and compounds the acid, making it harder for the body to eliminate waste.
Eating our alkaline based foods will help the body to remove and neutralize acidic waste products. Most foods we consume are acidic. Meats, dairy products, sugar and starches are enemies of the human body. It’s important to distinguish the difference between food and synthetics. Alot of our foods are either hybrid or genetically modified which in turn makes them unnatural and acidic.

White-brown rice, carrots, corn, potatoes, garlic, beans, soy, wheat, barley are some to name a few. It goes without saying that alcohol, drugs, Pharmaceutical drug , additives, sweeteners and caffeine are acidic and should be avoided as much as possible.

To keep the body alkaline we must supply the body with alkalinity from an outside source. Our alkaline foods will provide an adequate amount of alkalinity in the diet to do this. However, if the body doesn’t take its alkalinity from its diet, our pH levels are consistently below 7.4, our system becomes acidic (Acidosis) and forces our body to extract essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium from vital organs, bones, tissue and teeth in order to neutralize the effect of the Acidosis. This causes the body to become acidic and thus diseased.

Research shows that unless the body’s pH level is slightly alkaline it cannot heal itself, so no matter what means you choose to take care of your health, it won’t be effective until the PH level is balanced. If your body’s pH is not balanced for example, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins and minerals. Your body PH affects everything.
Acidosis will decrease the body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decrease the energy production in the cells. Decrease its ability to repair damaged cells, decrease its ability to detoxify heavy metals, make tumours cells thrive and make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness.
An acidic pH can occur from an acid forming diet, Emotional stress, toxic overload and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a build-up of acids in the cells will occur

2.1 Acidosis can cause health problems such as:
Cardiovascular damage. Weight gain, obesity and diabetes. Bladder condition. Kidney stones. Immune deficiency. Acceleration of free radical damage. Hormonal problems. Premature ageing. Osteoporosis and joint pain. Aching muscles and lactic acid build up. Low energy and chronic fatigue. Lower body temperature. Tendency to get infections. Loss of drive, joy and enthusiasm. Depressive tendencies. Easily stressed. Pale complexion. Headaches Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids. Loose and painful teeth. Inflamed sensitive gums. Mouth and stomach ulcers. Cracks at the corners of the lips. Excess stomach acid. Gastritis. Nails are thin and split easily. Hair looks dull, has split ends and falls out. Skin easily irritated. Legs cramp and spasms.


Not withstand the adverse effect of Non-Organic Produce/ Genetically Modified Foods (Gmo), Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Chickens filled with arsenics and hormones disruptors, and increasing intake of Processed Foods, there are are some lesser-known places you might be ingesting or absorbing substantive toxins into your body increasing the acidity of your body:

You will find toothpaste in almost every home round the globe. You do know toothpaste are made of bleach agent though whitens your teethes but are harmful to the human system? Toothpaste toxins includes Triclosan, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Artificial Sweeteners, Fluoride, Propylene Glycol, Diethanolamine (DEA) and Microbeads.

Aluminum Chloride Antiperspirant, Parabens,Propylene Glycol, Phthalates, Triclosan found in our DEODORANT has been linked with Seizures, Breast Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bone Formation Disorders, Kidney Problems, hormonal imbalances etc.

1, 4-dioxane in our daily detergent and soaps has been linked to respiratory problems, eye irritation, cancer, disruption of the endocrine system.

When it comes to cosmetics and skin care product, women are the most victims here. Several studies indicate women put an average of 168 of chemical on their bodies every day, [2][3] and the average woman eat 4 to 9 pounds of lipstick over her lifetime    Lipsticks can contain levels of heavy metals, parabens, and other chemicals. An article by Michelle Persad of STATES THAT The Average Woman Puts 515 Synthetic Chemicals on Her Body Every Day without Knowing. And 60 percent of what we put onto our skin is absorbed into our bodies.


Dr. Otto Warburg the 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery, stated “NO disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.” So, if this is true, I asked MYSELF, am I alkaline or acid? That was my question!
Your body works hard to maintain a healthy balance between acid (lower on the pH scale) and alkaline (higher on the pH scale), helping your systems operate efficiently. When there is an imbalance due to over consumption of acidic foods, stress, lack of sleep etc.(SEE FROM ACID/ALKALINE CHART)
Eating our alkaline based foods will help the body to remove and neutralize acidic waste products, but our environment are becoming more and more acidic.
Meats, dairy products, processed foods, carbonated drinks, beer, spirit, alcohol, sugar and starches are enemies of the human body. It’s important to distinguish the difference between food and synthetics. A lot of our foods are either hybrid or genetically modified which in turn makes them unnatural and acidic. Viruses, fungus, yeast and bacteria thrive in acidic environments, opens the door for disease in the body.
Avoiding acidic pH is our modern environment is evitable, and that’s is when CleanShield comes in to achieve a normal pH balance of 7.35 to 7.45, At this level, we’re able to function more effectively and fight off all potential chronic diseases, including cancer and HIV.


CleanShield an all "Natural" liquid supplement with the pH of 11.2 that assist your body in regaining and maintaining an optimal pH level of 7.4 creating a disease free environment within the body. It quickly boost body pH from acidic to slightly alkalinity. Alkalinity is essential for vital and healthy performance of the body system.
CleanShield has been successfully used in the treatment of Candida, Crohn"s Cancer, Acid Reflex, Diabetes and Malaria.

CleanShield stated in the United State as Balance 7. It was started by Al Siamon in Grover Beach, California. He states that Balance 7 was a gift from God that he has brought forth to the world. It is currently being used in Africa in the hospitals to treat Malaria and other infectious diseases. Balance 7 is being used in the United States for treatment of Candida, Cancer, Diabetes, Acid Reflex, Crohn's, Autoimmune, Colitis, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel and other alkaline related disorders.
Balance 7 is marketed in Africa under the name CleanShield, and it marketed by AFRICA HEALTH SOLUTION (subsidiary of Allgone LLC) using the Multi-Level- Marketing (MLM) Plan commonly known as Network Marketing.

CleanShield is comprised of a proprietary mix of 100% natural mineral salts ( sodium carbonate, sodium phosphate) that combine to form a highly alkaline (11.0) water that is healthy for the body.
Sodium phosphates is variety of mineral salts used in reducing the acidity level in the food industry, and softening water. Used in medicine for constipation and to prepare the bowel for medical procedures.
Sodium carbonate is extracted from 100% natural mineral Trona, combined with Sodium phosphates will have a dramatic effect on both pH and total alkalinity of a solution.


For us to maintain a healthy body system our body must be 20% Acidic and 80% Alkaline according to Prof. Ragnar, a renowned Nutritionist from WHO, Without that it cannot heal itself, so no matter what means you choose to take care of your health, it won’t be effective until the pH level is balanced.
CleanShield in effect in balances the pH of the body to normal. CleanShield raises the body pH very quickly and causes the body ocean which is 70% to be free from diseases and infections. At this juncture boost the immune system and breaks down acidosis to extinction. CleanShield increases oxygen supply in the blood: this helps maintain optimum blood flow all throughout the body and regulates blood pressure to healthy levels.
1. There would be proper metabolism of fat.
2. There would be healthy insulin production.
3. There would be healthy oxygen flow.
4. There would be proper blood regulation.
5. There would be cellular generation.
1. Stop Malaria
2. Stop Typhoid
3. Fight against HIV
4. Resist Obesity
5. For Weight Control
6. For Proper Blood regulation­
7. Cellular Regeneration
8. Lower bad Cholesterol
9. Insulin production­
10. Fight Acidosis
11. For Proper Metabolism of fat
12. Boost Immune system
13. Regulate Blood Pressure
14. Fasten wound healing
15. Utilize calcium in our body
16. To boost Energy Level in our body system
17. Healthy Oxygen Flow
18. Resist Diseases and infections­
19. Lower Blood Sugar in the body.­
20. Fight fatigue
21. Reduces wrinkle and aging: the results are smoother skin, clearer complexion and youthful looks.

Our products are now in the U.S., and 11 African countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and is rapidly spreading.

Ghana Office
Madina New Road,
Opposite Queen of Peace
Catholic Church
Madina, Accra, Ghana.
(Behind ASN Financial Services, Madina. Firestone, Accra.)
Office:  +233269773458

Lagos Office
No 10 Babatunde Ladega str,
Omole bus stop, Omole phase 1,
Ikeja, Lagos,Nigeria

Abuja Office
Shop B8 & B9 MIB Plaza Plot C67, 
1st Avenue Gwarinpa Housing Estate 
Off Ahmadu Bello Way, opposit Oando Filling Station, 
Gwarinpa Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

You can make an order online in Ghana on Jumia Deal via
In Ghana, you can buy CleanShield directly at our office at the Behind ASN Financial Services, Madina-Firestone, Accra, as well as selected shops across the country. Call 0269773458 for more info.


Real life changing opportunity for business minded people. This product and business plan is designed to have an opportunity to create for yourself a healthy and wealthy life. As you seize this opportunity, you will discover the power of an amazing health product (Cleanshield INT) along with an exciting business to create wealth. You can create your own employment AND help many people find their way to healing.

CleanShield Compensation Plan gives you several ways to earn generous commissions every month in direct proportion to your ability to sell the product to your customers and build an organization of Independent Distributors who do the same. Your rewards grow with your business.

Learn about the various Marshal stages in our Multi-Level- Marketing (MLM) Plan and the rewards associated with them, contact 0269773458.